Address: :
Korotkina Street, 10 Shumilino, Vitebsk region 211160
Receiving room:
Evgenia Artemovna was congratulated on the New Year and Christmas by the Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee Viktor Glushin. He presented the hostess with souvenirs, and the main gift had already been unloaded the day before in the courtyard of her house in the private sector in the Markovshchina area.
By the way, this is firewood, in the chopping of which the city leaders, headed by Alexei Geroev, as well as the employees of the newspaper "Vitbichi", recently practiced to great extent during the regional championship. Joining the marathon of good deeds, students of Secondary School No 35 named after A. P. Ovechkin transferred logs to the firewood.
Viktor Glushin had a warm conversation with a centenarian born in 1932, inquired about health, social, and medical services. Evgenia Artyomovna replied that she was satisfied with everything. She was born in the Liozno district. She moved to Vitebsk in 1944.
I worked at the then carpet and plush factory for 12 years. Then she continued her career at the Vitebsk Radio Parts Plant, where she became a veteran of labor, at a woodworking plant. She continued to work after reaching retirement age.
With her husband, she raised two sons, who, unfortunately, have already passed away. A social worker comes to a lonely person of such a venerable age twice a week. Three granddaughters living in Vitebsk take care of her, they invite her to their homes. But the grandmother is still coping with a lot of chores around the house and stays in her native walls with her beloved cat.
"One is both good and bad," she shared with the guests. "You don't bother anyone, and no one bothers you. But sometimes it can be boring. Then I sing songs, talk to Tishka the clever girl. I ask my granddaughters not to bring me ready-made food, so that I myself can be a hostess in the kitchen at least occasionally.
The unexpected attention touched Evgenia Artyomovna very much. It is not for nothing that they say that even miracles happen on New Year's Eve. In response, she wished everyone good health, peace and happiness.