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Main / News / Region
12 November 2024

Alexander Lukashenko spoke at the opening of "Dozhinki" in Polotsk and awarded the best workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Vitebsk region

In the next five years, it is necessary to finally resolve the issue of the Vitebsk region and determine how to act in the development of the agro-industrial complex. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on 8 November, speaking in Polotsk at the regional festival "Dazhynki-2024", BelTA has learned.

"We must finally resolve the issue of the Vitebsk region in the next five years. To decide in a positive way and decide what we will do here," the head of state said. - We have the hardest work ahead of us. We will help those who give a return. We cannot bury other people's money in the ground. Help - we will take it from someone and give it to you. Simple formula. Take it and give it back."

It is intelligent technologies that should become the locomotive of progress in Belarus.

"The lack of natural advantages and the difficulties caused by it - cold climate, difficult soils, lack of fossil hydrocarbons - we must compensate with what we are especially strong in - intellect, brains. And this applies not only to the Vitebsk region," Alexander Lukashenko said.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko sets the task of doubling the export of flax products in five years.

"Belarusian specialists have learned how to make good, thin fabrics and other products that are in demand on world markets. In fact, we have reached a waste-free production cycle. However, there are still many reserves. It is clear that linen fabrics will be in demand. It is necessary to at least get closer to the former, Soviet volumes and double exports in five years. Moreover, the prices have gone. This fully applies to other regions that are engaged in the cultivation of flax, the head of state said. - I repeat, a breakthrough is needed. From farmers, scientists, engineers. It is necessary to learn how to cultivate high-quality long-staple flax, constantly increase the volume of raw materials and products. We need to be bolder in expanding the scope of application, looking for ways to create new non-traditional materials, for example, composite materials."

Respect for nature has become a national brand of Belarus.

"In the pursuit of progress, we must not forget about the environment. Especially here, in the Vitebsk region, which is famous as a land of protected forests, the purest blue lakes and pristine swamps, and this is oxygen. We should not leave what has become a national brand - respect for nature," Alexander Lukashenko said.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko considers it necessary to develop a standard social package for young professionals who will work in the countryside.

"The village must keep up with the times. We need to return young people to the village and involve them in solving innovative problems, create conditions for this and give them the opportunity to prove themselves. We need to trust young people," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

He noted that many young farmers have appeared in the country, they are engaged in the cultivation of various types of products - from hazelnuts to apples and watermelons.

"And if we are talking about conditions, we cannot ignore material incentives. It is necessary to develop a standard social package for young professionals who go to work in the countryside (rental housing, financial, transport support, and so on)," the President said. Every Belarusian should visit Polotsk at least once in his life.

"A large, generous harvest festival has again come to the glorious Polotsk - the treasury of the Belarusian land. Every Belarusian should visit your beautiful city-museum, where every stone breathes history, at least once in his life," the Belarusian leader said.

He stressed that a thousand two hundred years ago, the Belarusian people began a difficult, difficult path to their own statehood.

Peace and tranquility on the Belarusian land must be defended and protected by all means

"The Vitebsk region is famous for its ancient history, natural beauty and traditions, which you cherish and multiply. And it is also a legendary partisan land, where the memory of the heroes who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland is carefully preserved. This is more important than ever. Just like peace and tranquility on our land, the price of which we know very well and which must be defended and defended with all our might," Alexander Lukashenko stressed.

The President awarded the best workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Vitebsk region.

It is you who are the basis of our life and our security. It is thanks to you that we have not been drawn into wars and conflicts.

The director of the Yubileyny agricultural complex Alexander Firsin received the Order of Labor Glory from the hands of the President, and the tractor driver of the Torguna production Vyacheslav Anikovich received the Order of Honor.

"I presented awards and thought that people from all districts. And these are people from the best farms. This means that in each district there are examples of good farms. You just need to repeat their experience. And why don't we start spreading this experience in these areas? We must always go from the ground," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The head of state is convinced that great things can be done in the Vitebsk region.

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