Shumilino Regional Executive Committee

Address: :
Korotkina Street, 10 Shumilino, Vitebsk region 211160

Receiving room:


The site is in test mode!
. Alley of Glory, Shumilino Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Shumilino Central Library Shumilino Square of Military Glory, Shumilino
Alley of Glory, Shumilino
Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Shumilino
Central Library Shumilino
Square of Military Glory, Shumilino
Main / News / Region
2 July 2024

Dear citizens!

From June 26, 2024, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Polotsk District Executive Committee have been conducting regular raids to check the safety of inventory, identify violations of labor discipline at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and control the performance of duty by guard guards. The purpose of these measures is to prevent and suppress the theft of property in the agro-industrial complex, to ensure the proper state of law and order and discipline in work collectives.

Unfortunately, often the main conditions that contribute to the commission of administrative offenses and crimes at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex are created by the heads of organizations themselves.

Thus, mismanagement, improper technical strengthening, malfunction or absence of security alarms and video surveillance systems, inaction of officials responsible for ensuring the safety of the property entrusted to them contribute to the commission of crimes and offenses.

If you have information about the facts of theft of goods and materials from the facilities of the agro-industrial complex, violations of labor discipline, the presence of watchmen at the workplace during working hours in a state of alcoholic intoxication, we kindly ask you to immediately report to the operational duty service of the Polotsk District Department of Internal Affairs by phone (anonymity is guaranteed): 102; 46-32-02.

Head of Public Order

Polotsk District Department of Internal Affairs

Police Captain D.G. Podolyak

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