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Korotkina Street, 10 Shumilino, Vitebsk region 211160
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New technologies are being successfully introduced at the Serkovitsy dairy complex of the Rydomlsky UE of the Tolochinsky district.
As a result, the gross milk harvest from 800 dairy cows in the complex this year is 15% higher than last year. The daily milk yield from the cow is more than 16 liters. They have been fighting for the safety of livestock here since the birth of calves. And every year they grow by at least 150 heads. There is growth potential, therefore, a new calf coop for 400 heads is being built on the territory of the MTK.
– The first thing we relied on was the quality of the dairy herd: we analyzed the productivity of the animals, some were culled and replaced with heifers, – said the head of the agricultural enterprise Vadim Ivanov. – We pay great attention to technology. MTK specialists and employees ensure proper animal care, because not only the quantity, but also the quality of products depends on it. Everyone works in close conjunction at the complex: foremen, breeder, animal technicians, veterinarians, machine milking operators, workers.
– We use an individual approach in animal feeding, taking into account physiology, age and productivity, – said Nikolay Nedoseko, head of the MTK.
Groups of animals are formed and arranged in sections. We try to maintain the feed mixture according to the optimal percentage of dry matter, proteins and carbohydrates. The process is delicate, the quality and quantity of milk and meat directly depend on it.
Last year, Rydomlsky harvested a year–and-a-half supply of feed - both grass and corn silage. The chief agronomist works in conjunction with a zoo technician – the diet of the cows worries both. The first one needs to grow not only the base, but also a grain wedge for compound feeds. And now all the forces are thrown at the first slope. Its area is about 1200 hectares. As they say, "milk is on the cow's tongue," and MTK Serkovitsy understands this, strictly observing the four-day feeding regime of livestock.
Commissioned in 2009, the complex is equipped with a Parallel milking system, which is designed for 24-hour operation and can be combined with the most modern equipment.
The technological regulations for milking and caring for animals are known by heart by operators Marina Timoshenko and Maria Khotyaintseva. The women came to Serkovitsy from the Mogilev region in 2012 on the recommendation of friends from Tolochin. Yes, they have gained a foothold here. During their work at the MTK, they have shown themselves to be highly qualified specialists who know how to organize their work rationally, know the physiological characteristics of animals and treat business with special responsibility.
To date, there are 580 heads in the women's area of responsibility. Talking about decent working conditions and good wages, machine milking operators noted that an important role in obtaining large milk is played by a closed production cycle, where a newborn heifer goes all the way to a productive cow within one complex, being under the full control of caring livestock breeders.