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1 October 2024

They dream of becoming pharmacists and dentists: schoolchildren from Tolochin visited the central district hospital

In Tolochin, high school students who are passionate about medicine have the opportunity to plunge into the "hospital world". Students of grades 10-11 of Secondary School No. 1 named after F. Makovetsky and N. Lugovsky Secondary School No. 2 visited Tolochinsky Central District Hospital.

– We carry out career guidance activities with high school students of the district schools who have chosen the path to medicine on an ongoing basis, – said Vera Sergeeva, Deputy Chief Physician of the CRH. – These are motivated schoolchildren. We talk about the benefits of targeted training, introduce you to the base of the medical institution, give you the opportunity to communicate with doctors and nursing staff, and conduct practical classes. Of course, such purposeful career guidance work will definitely bear fruit. We provide an opportunity for children to see from the inside what a hospital and a sick person are, we teach them how to provide first aid. And in the future, we help to determine whether they will be able to realize themselves in the medical profession.

During the visit to the CRH, the children got acquainted with the departments of the institution, their equipment, the work of both the average medical staff and doctors. We learned about the specifics of the profession, about the priorities of modern medicine. The interest of high school students was aroused by a dialogue with heads of departments and young specialists, new equipment of the clinical diagnostic laboratory, X-ray equipment, dentistry and ultrasound research rooms. The students visited the department of anesthesiology and intensive care.

A pre–selected profile is a big and confident step towards achieving the goal. This is what guided the N. Lugovsky Secondary School No. 2 when they decided to open a specialized medical group in the current academic year, which 11 students expressed a desire to attend. The educational institution has all the necessary facilities to conduct classes on advanced study of chemistry and biology at a high level. Future doctors will receive their first practical skills on the basis of the CRH.

– Training in the chemical and biological profile is traditionally highly effective here, – said the director of the school Tamara Sushkova. – All chemistry and biology teachers have the highest qualifications, rich experience in preparing students for centralized exams and testing. The Ministry of Education has approved a program of optional classes for grades 10-11 "Introduction to the medical profession", in which children will not only study theoretical material, but also learn the basics of medical care in practice. And it is also an introduction to a healthy lifestyle, learning the basics of hygiene, visiting medical institutions with excursions and getting to know medical workers who have taken place both in life and in the profession.

Matvey Shishkov, a student of the 11th grade of Secondary School No. 2, appreciated the opportunity to delve into the chosen profile. He dreams of becoming a pharmacist.

– I have always been passionate about science and medicine, – he said. – Since childhood, I have been interested in how our body works, what processes take place inside us, how doctors help people. This passion has consistently led me to choose a profession related to medicine. Over time, my interests narrowed down to pharmaceuticals. Being a pharmacist is the best way to realize your scientific and medical interests, as well as help people on the road to recovery.

The most interesting location during a visit to the hospital for Alina Antanovich, a student of Secondary School No. 1, were dental offices. She is a future dentist. I decided to follow the example of my sister Kristina, who successfully graduated from the Moscow Medical University and now works as a pediatrician in Moscow.

– This is a great opportunity to learn about the intricacies of the profession of a doctor, nurse, paramedic, – said Alina. – It's cool to communicate directly with a doctor to see his emotions, love for the profession. This further motivates you to move forward towards your goal. And my goal is to connect my life with medicine.

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