Address: :
Korotkina Street, 10 Shumilino, Vitebsk region 211160
Receiving room:
The problem of drug addiction worries everyone and causes great anxiety in society.
In the region, more than a thousand people who use narcotic substances are registered with the health authorities. But, this is only the tip of the iceberg, the real number of them is an order of magnitude more. Moreover, a significant part of them are people who systematically use drugs and have stable physical and mental dependence.
Of great concern is the fact that these are mostly young people. Drug addicts are increasingly "drawing" young people into their ranks. Communion takes place in places of mass recreation, in clubs, at discos. For the sake of the next dose, a drug addict is ready to put his loved one on a needle. Moreover, the first time he will give a dose for free.
I would like to warn those who want to try drugs for the sake of idle curiosity against making this fatal mistake in life. References to the fact that I will try once and that's it do not work here. The insidiousness of the drug is that it causes addiction and you will want to try again. And already drug addiction has drawn another victim into its nets.
Moreover, from drugs such as heroin, methadone, addiction can occur from one dose. No less evil are narcotic substances of plant origin such as marijuana or poppy straw, which drug addicts consider "light". A naïve delusion.
Recently, especially dangerous psychotropic substances "alpha-PVP", the so-called salts, and "mephedrone", which also cause strong addiction, have become widespread among young people.
It is worth drawing the attention of parents to the timely identification of the facts of drug use by their children. Notice, sound the alarm! Only immediate action can warn against the addiction. And to protect them from trouble.
A number of behavioral signs indicate the use of drugs by adolescents. You should be alerted if the teenager has become withdrawn, secretive; changed friends in a short period of time; often lies; disappears from home unreasonably; ceases to be interested in family problems, has lost his former interests; sleeps for a long time during the day; at night, he often walks around the room, tripping over objects; things and money began to disappear in the house; returns home intoxicated, but there is no smell of alcohol.
Employees of drug control units carry out full-scale operations to suppress the spread of drugs and establish facts related to drug trafficking, and bring the perpetrators to justice.
It is illegal to sow or grow plants containing narcotic substances, in connection with which a special program "Poppy" is being carried out on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the period from June 01 to September 15, 2024.
The main purpose of this program is the work of law enforcement officers aimed at identifying and destroying wild and specially grown drug-containing plants, such as poppy, hemp, etc.
Officers of the District Department of Internal Affairs will identify persons engaged in the non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
If poppy or hemp grows on the household plot, citizens may be held administratively liable. For this offense, a fine of up to 20 basic units is provided.
Any information about persons who use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, or are involved in drug trafficking, about the facts of illegal sale, storage, transportation of narcotic drugs, or about illegal cultivation of poppy, cannabis can be reported by you by phone 46-07-79 or 102 around the clock, including anonymously.
First Deputy Head of the Polotsk District Department of Internal Affairs
Head of the Criminal Police S.N. Miranovich