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. Alley of Glory, Shumilino Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Shumilino Central Library Shumilino Square of Military Glory, Shumilino
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Central Library Shumilino
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Main / News / Republic
15 April 2024

Early spring sowing in Belarus 82% complete

Early spring grain and leguminous crops have been sown on 82% of the designated area in Belarus, BelTA learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Spring crops were planted on an area of 697,200 hectares, 29.5% of the target. Early spring grain and leguminous crops (excluding maize, buckwheat and millet) were planted on an area of 504,600 hectares, which is 82% of the plan. 

Spring colza was planted on 6,810 hectares, which is 11.06% of the plan. Sugar beet was planted on 49,000 hectares (47.5%), maize – on 22,500 hectares, 1.83% of the plan. 

Annual grasses were planted on 78,300 hectares, which is 35.7% of the plan. Fiber flax was planted on 20,600 hectares (41.5%). Soil plowing was completed on 906,400 hectares.

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